The following are questions submitted in a recent webinar I held in October titled "Master Your Reality". Each week a few new questions and responses from the event will be posted.
QUESTION: Why is it that some days you feel peaceful and happy. Then the next day even when trying to stay positive and it seems like the universe is against you and you cannot get ahead?
RESPONSE: Peace and happiness stem from acceptance and faith. This is a faith and understanding in your ability to be and experience anything you set your mind towards. On good days you know the limitless possibility that is always in front of you and you are working towards the manifestation of that possibility which breeds hope.
A negative mindset stems from and idea of personal imperfection, denial, resistance and a limited view on what is possible; the loss of hope. Things happen to us each day to reveal the truth to us and it is up to each one of us as to how we choose to experience and react to these “happenings”. We can see them as setbacks or we can have faith that they are part of the larger learning experience we are on to get to where we said we ultimately wanted to go in life.
Life is not a straight line. There is and ebb and a flow to it. The greater your awareness of the true nature of all things the more you flow and the less you ebb. And when you do ebb you are able to pull yourself out in a much shorter experience of time. In the down moments remember all you do have and all that is yet to come for you because you have always been worth it. This is “will” check time (kind of like gut check time). How badly do you desire to experience the life you dream about big or small. There are perceived obstacles to every path, however it will be your will, desire and the realization of your birthright for joy and peace that sees you through to many more peaceful days.
QUESTION: Some teachers very strongly suggest that we come to peace with the fact that there is a greater master plan at work in all our lives and once we release our need to control the outcome of the events in our lives then we will find ourselves at peace. On the other hand, many others teach that we are here to create our own realities. I believe these two can co-exist but I haven't yet figured out exactly how. What are your thoughts on this, Howard?
RESPONSE: Both ideas clearly understood are a powerful combination. Since everything we do ultimately is for our perceived survival, when we realize that our survival is never in doubt we are free to create without limits and expectations, putting us in the most powerful and liberating state of mind in existence.
The master plan is infinite life and limitless creativity. So it is not about losing your desire for the creation and outcome you wish for, it is about realizing you don’t NEED the outcome to happen to survive. By releasing your need you create from a state of unconditional love. Nothing is more powerful than this energy of thought. Control comes from need. Need comes from fear. Fear comes from the desire to survive. When you create without the need to control the outcome because you have come to an understanding and faith in the ultimate outcome, your creativity and experiences will know no limit. There will be no end to your joy.
QUESTION: How does one learn to control ones appetites and addictions?
RESPONSE: Control indicates forced action. Forced action is draining and usually doesn’t last. The question you may want to ask is how does one transcend addiction? Addiction is a means to an end that never comes, hence the addiction. To transcend it you will need to find the beliefs you hold that cause your normal state of mind (without the addictive property) to become so negative that you crave relief. This discovery will take a will and desire for real change and will lead you down a path of deep self-inquiry and awareness. With a consistent dedication for your desired reality these poisonous beliefs will ultimately be discovered, dissolved and replaced by new ones that empower you in a way where there is no more addiction because there is no longer a poor state of mind that you seek relief from.
QUESTION: Are we supposed to choose who we want to be? Or do we just reveal who we truly are already?
RESPONSE: Both - Through the process of self-awareness we reveal more of who we really are, which empowers us to be even more limitless as we create who and what we choose to be, which reveals more of who we really are, which empowers us to be even more limitless as we create who and what we choose to be, which reveals more of who we really are, which empowers us to be even more limitless as we create who and what we choose to be……………….
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Monday, November 30, 2009
Questions & Answers About Life Part 3
The following are questions submitted in a recent webinar I held in October titled "Master Your Reality". Each week a few new questions and responses from the event will be posted.
QUESTION: Why is it so easy to help others in their situation but, we don't see or are mystified by our own situations?
RESPONSE: To see the truth or the solution in your own self you have to be good and ready. Also, once you see it, it makes it harder to avoid change. Change is the very thing that the ego often fights against. We hold tight to our stories even though many times they contain plenty of suffering. We do so because the fear of the unknown is perceived to be worse then the current suffering. Even though ironically it is what eventually liberates us from our suffering.
It feels good to offer another the truth when we see it clearly. However, for ourselves it has to be when we are finally and completely ready.
QUESTION: Is it Ok to feel pain and disappointment in life as long as you don't make it apart of you?
RESPONSE: It’s not about being ok or not ok, rather it’s about what you desire to experience. If you would rather feel pleasure, joy and peace then yes, when you feel these negative feelings or they begin to creep up look to discover the thoughts or beliefs behind the feelings that support them and look to change them. This is how these feelings become less of a part of you and your story.
Challenge the "automatic" thoughts that sponsor any negative feelings you have and you will find the true source of your disharmony. These are the lies that have been lived out as truths in your life. The question to ask yourself is “Do these thoughts serve me now based on what I desire to experience?” If not, continue to challenge and change them into the thoughts that will support you on your creative journey.
QUESTION: How do you balance the desire to give to others ie, friends, family, clients,.... with your own necessity to take care of your own responsibilities, how do you learn to work smarter rather than harder?
RESPONSE: You can only do what you can do. The key is to make sure that at the end of the day you are content and happy knowing you have always done you best - for that day. To carry any burden of regret is counterproductive to your next day. Working smarter is about being in the most balanced and clear state of mind so that a more creative and powerful energy can flow out of you. If you feel you need to be everything to everyone else it is because you have not come to love and acceptance with who you are regardless of what you do for others.
Ironically coming to this beautiful state allows you to be just that for everybody. No matter what the key is to always know that for this moment you are good enough :-)
QUESTION: Why is it so easy to help others in their situation but, we don't see or are mystified by our own situations?
RESPONSE: To see the truth or the solution in your own self you have to be good and ready. Also, once you see it, it makes it harder to avoid change. Change is the very thing that the ego often fights against. We hold tight to our stories even though many times they contain plenty of suffering. We do so because the fear of the unknown is perceived to be worse then the current suffering. Even though ironically it is what eventually liberates us from our suffering.
It feels good to offer another the truth when we see it clearly. However, for ourselves it has to be when we are finally and completely ready.
QUESTION: Is it Ok to feel pain and disappointment in life as long as you don't make it apart of you?
RESPONSE: It’s not about being ok or not ok, rather it’s about what you desire to experience. If you would rather feel pleasure, joy and peace then yes, when you feel these negative feelings or they begin to creep up look to discover the thoughts or beliefs behind the feelings that support them and look to change them. This is how these feelings become less of a part of you and your story.
Challenge the "automatic" thoughts that sponsor any negative feelings you have and you will find the true source of your disharmony. These are the lies that have been lived out as truths in your life. The question to ask yourself is “Do these thoughts serve me now based on what I desire to experience?” If not, continue to challenge and change them into the thoughts that will support you on your creative journey.
QUESTION: How do you balance the desire to give to others ie, friends, family, clients,.... with your own necessity to take care of your own responsibilities, how do you learn to work smarter rather than harder?
RESPONSE: You can only do what you can do. The key is to make sure that at the end of the day you are content and happy knowing you have always done you best - for that day. To carry any burden of regret is counterproductive to your next day. Working smarter is about being in the most balanced and clear state of mind so that a more creative and powerful energy can flow out of you. If you feel you need to be everything to everyone else it is because you have not come to love and acceptance with who you are regardless of what you do for others.
Ironically coming to this beautiful state allows you to be just that for everybody. No matter what the key is to always know that for this moment you are good enough :-)
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Questions & Answers About Life Part 2
The following are questions submitted in a recent webinar I held in October titled "Master Your Reality". Each week a few new questions and responses from the event will be posted.
QUESTION: How can I accept that everything happens for a reason when I am at my breaking point while I am going through the process?
RESPONSE: You do not have to accept this. You can choose to see nothing but randomness or bad luck but it will bring you no closer to a solution for your perceived problems. Accepting that things are happening for a reason gives you the chance to discover where the reality before you is coming from.
Accepting that there is a purpose puts you in the path to find it, resolve it and hence change your reality so you no longer feel like you are at a breaking point. Acceptance IS the beginning of the pathway to change.
QUESTION: Can you please talk more about how the universe is a giant mirror? What does that mean for our behavior and the way we think? How do we use this knowledge to our advantage?
RESPONSE: What you believe is true is mirrored in the way you act. The universe reflects you actions back to you by what you experience from these thoughts and actions. When what you believe is not in sync with the reality you experience, you are confronted with this truth. Often times this is in painful ways. The purpose of the disharmony is to nudge you closer and closer to collective truth. When what you believe is in harmony with reality, you experience total peace and fulfillment.
They way this knowledge can be used is how it allows you to be more aware of who you really are leading you to become a very powerful creator of your reality.
QUESTION: What do you do when your practicing these techniques and are suddenly stuck a serious emotional blow? How do you bounce back?
RESPONSE: You realize that you have overcome it ALL and that you are overcoming it ALL and that you will overcome it ALL.
Emotional blows reveal attachments to the things in your outer world. The key is to enjoy and cherish those things while realizing that who you are at your very essence is always beyond the need for them. This allows for the most sacred and fulfilling experience of these things while you are experiencing them.
When something seemingly devastating occurs the question to ask yourself is “Who do I want to be in relationship to this event.” Am I going to curl up in a ball forever or am I going to get up, dust off and choose to live life fully. The choice is always yours and it will determine not only the quality of your experience of life but what you create within it. The power over "time" is always with you.
QUESTION: How can I accept that everything happens for a reason when I am at my breaking point while I am going through the process?
RESPONSE: You do not have to accept this. You can choose to see nothing but randomness or bad luck but it will bring you no closer to a solution for your perceived problems. Accepting that things are happening for a reason gives you the chance to discover where the reality before you is coming from.
Accepting that there is a purpose puts you in the path to find it, resolve it and hence change your reality so you no longer feel like you are at a breaking point. Acceptance IS the beginning of the pathway to change.
QUESTION: Can you please talk more about how the universe is a giant mirror? What does that mean for our behavior and the way we think? How do we use this knowledge to our advantage?
RESPONSE: What you believe is true is mirrored in the way you act. The universe reflects you actions back to you by what you experience from these thoughts and actions. When what you believe is not in sync with the reality you experience, you are confronted with this truth. Often times this is in painful ways. The purpose of the disharmony is to nudge you closer and closer to collective truth. When what you believe is in harmony with reality, you experience total peace and fulfillment.
They way this knowledge can be used is how it allows you to be more aware of who you really are leading you to become a very powerful creator of your reality.
QUESTION: What do you do when your practicing these techniques and are suddenly stuck a serious emotional blow? How do you bounce back?
RESPONSE: You realize that you have overcome it ALL and that you are overcoming it ALL and that you will overcome it ALL.
Emotional blows reveal attachments to the things in your outer world. The key is to enjoy and cherish those things while realizing that who you are at your very essence is always beyond the need for them. This allows for the most sacred and fulfilling experience of these things while you are experiencing them.
When something seemingly devastating occurs the question to ask yourself is “Who do I want to be in relationship to this event.” Am I going to curl up in a ball forever or am I going to get up, dust off and choose to live life fully. The choice is always yours and it will determine not only the quality of your experience of life but what you create within it. The power over "time" is always with you.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Questions & Answers About Life Part 1
The following are questions submitted in a recent webinar I held in October titled "Master Your Reality". Each week a few new questions and responses from the event will be posted.
QUESTION: how do we make sure we don't let self-love and self-awareness cross the line into selfishness and egotistic behavior?
RESPONSE: By understanding the distinct difference in the two. Serving oneself as a way to run from a negative state of mind is egotistic behavior and is temporary. Serving oneself as a way to liberate the cause of a negative state of mind through self-awareness and understanding, lasts forever and leads to unconditional love of the self and others. Egotistic behavior is behavior that serves the self at the expense of others. Practicing self-awareness and self-love is behavior that serves the self-leading to the benefit of all others.
Egotistic and selfish behavior comes from the need to feel better about yourself as it relates to other people. Self-awareness brings you to self-love through the realization that there is no better or worse but that all people are equal and perfect as is. Since the work of the ego diminishes through self-awareness, selfishness as a concept dissolves as well because there is no longer a purpose for it. Through self-love he opposite actually occurs where helping and sharing with others when needed or asked becomes an automatic response. You realize through awareness of the self that nothing can ever truly be lost or taken away from you which is a very liberating way to live. In the fear dominated ego mind you fear that everything can be taken away and you work hard and often times selfishly to protect your age, money, beauty, image, possessions, status, rank, power, etc… A futile and energy draining cycle.
QUESTION: Other then meditation, what are some ways to balance and center ourselves day to day?
RESPONSE: Focus on all you do have and all you have to be grateful for rather than what you think you do not have. Realize that all the context of the experience of life is a choice made by you and how you choose to interpret it in each moment.
Come to know and love the perfection that you are in this moment and the perfection for everything that is occurring in your life. Remember, it is not happening TO you but rather FOR you. Challenge the purpose of these occurrences until you come to love the rest of the world for the moment by moment perfection that it is…after all, it’s all there to support you on your never-ending journey……
QUESTION: Once we recognize our reality for what it really is, what is the next step?
RESPONSE: The next step is the same as it was before your discovery, you choose. Except this time you are creating with the knowledge and understanding of your unlimited ability to create life as you desire it to be. In addition to this you are creating from a new level of unconditional love for yourself and the world around you. Therefore, what you create generally alines with "serving" others in some way on the path to the same powerful & liberating understanding :-)
More coming soon...
QUESTION: how do we make sure we don't let self-love and self-awareness cross the line into selfishness and egotistic behavior?
RESPONSE: By understanding the distinct difference in the two. Serving oneself as a way to run from a negative state of mind is egotistic behavior and is temporary. Serving oneself as a way to liberate the cause of a negative state of mind through self-awareness and understanding, lasts forever and leads to unconditional love of the self and others. Egotistic behavior is behavior that serves the self at the expense of others. Practicing self-awareness and self-love is behavior that serves the self-leading to the benefit of all others.
Egotistic and selfish behavior comes from the need to feel better about yourself as it relates to other people. Self-awareness brings you to self-love through the realization that there is no better or worse but that all people are equal and perfect as is. Since the work of the ego diminishes through self-awareness, selfishness as a concept dissolves as well because there is no longer a purpose for it. Through self-love he opposite actually occurs where helping and sharing with others when needed or asked becomes an automatic response. You realize through awareness of the self that nothing can ever truly be lost or taken away from you which is a very liberating way to live. In the fear dominated ego mind you fear that everything can be taken away and you work hard and often times selfishly to protect your age, money, beauty, image, possessions, status, rank, power, etc… A futile and energy draining cycle.
QUESTION: Other then meditation, what are some ways to balance and center ourselves day to day?
RESPONSE: Focus on all you do have and all you have to be grateful for rather than what you think you do not have. Realize that all the context of the experience of life is a choice made by you and how you choose to interpret it in each moment.
Come to know and love the perfection that you are in this moment and the perfection for everything that is occurring in your life. Remember, it is not happening TO you but rather FOR you. Challenge the purpose of these occurrences until you come to love the rest of the world for the moment by moment perfection that it is…after all, it’s all there to support you on your never-ending journey……
QUESTION: Once we recognize our reality for what it really is, what is the next step?
RESPONSE: The next step is the same as it was before your discovery, you choose. Except this time you are creating with the knowledge and understanding of your unlimited ability to create life as you desire it to be. In addition to this you are creating from a new level of unconditional love for yourself and the world around you. Therefore, what you create generally alines with "serving" others in some way on the path to the same powerful & liberating understanding :-)
More coming soon...
peace of mind,
Saturday, August 8, 2009
The Never-Ending Power of Choice
The opportunity in this moment never goes away. The infinity of time to choose how you create and experience your life. What will you choose today? Will it be the same thoughts and feelings, producing the same actions and reactions as yesterday? Or today will you choose to be a new version of yourself. One where you begin to create the conditions that give birth to something new in your life. This could be a new job, a new feeling of personal health, a new experience of your relationship with another (lover, family member or friend), or a new result with money in your life.
Whatever you desire to experience, the creation of it is only waiting for YOU. It’s got nothing to do with luck, karma or timing. It has EVERYTHING to do with your desire and intention to FINALLY BE-come a new person. When you are ready to shed the old skin you will, period. You will hang to the current version on as long as it is tolerable, and for many that level of tolerance can come with a lot of suffering and pain. Make no mistake about it, the pain and suffering is NECCESARY to drive you towards change. While it may be necessary it doesn't have to last. So the question is “ARE YOU DONE YET WITH THE PAIN AND READY FOR CHANGE?”
The main factor that holds many people in painful situations is the fear that by taking the steps to change they might put themselves in a MORE painful situation than they are currently in. This is a convenient fear created by the ego to keep you just as you are. If you can remember this one thought as you think about taking the steps to change, it may help you move forward in a faster way. The thought is “ I WILL SURVIVE”.
You will survive if you put your resume out and go on a job interview. You will even survive if you get turned down. However you may just thrive if you get the new job.
You will survive if you have the talk with your loved one that you have wanted to have for years. You will even survive if the relationship ends. However, you may thrive if the communication and connection between the two of you goes to a whole new positive level.
You will survive if you are finally honest with yourself about your behavior or actions to another. You will even survive if you change those actions to something more in line with love and forgiveness. You may even thrive because of these changes and the new person you have become.
There is absolutely no pressure to do anything different. Just know that when you are ready for a new way of life, the universe will be here to support you in the effort to become the one who creates it. It will be here just as it always has with all the other thoughts and notions you ever had about who you are and what you are worth experiencing.
The power is in the same place its always been and always will be; your hands. The possibilities with this understanding are limitless...
Peace & love
Whatever you desire to experience, the creation of it is only waiting for YOU. It’s got nothing to do with luck, karma or timing. It has EVERYTHING to do with your desire and intention to FINALLY BE-come a new person. When you are ready to shed the old skin you will, period. You will hang to the current version on as long as it is tolerable, and for many that level of tolerance can come with a lot of suffering and pain. Make no mistake about it, the pain and suffering is NECCESARY to drive you towards change. While it may be necessary it doesn't have to last. So the question is “ARE YOU DONE YET WITH THE PAIN AND READY FOR CHANGE?”
The main factor that holds many people in painful situations is the fear that by taking the steps to change they might put themselves in a MORE painful situation than they are currently in. This is a convenient fear created by the ego to keep you just as you are. If you can remember this one thought as you think about taking the steps to change, it may help you move forward in a faster way. The thought is “ I WILL SURVIVE”.
You will survive if you put your resume out and go on a job interview. You will even survive if you get turned down. However you may just thrive if you get the new job.
You will survive if you have the talk with your loved one that you have wanted to have for years. You will even survive if the relationship ends. However, you may thrive if the communication and connection between the two of you goes to a whole new positive level.
You will survive if you are finally honest with yourself about your behavior or actions to another. You will even survive if you change those actions to something more in line with love and forgiveness. You may even thrive because of these changes and the new person you have become.
There is absolutely no pressure to do anything different. Just know that when you are ready for a new way of life, the universe will be here to support you in the effort to become the one who creates it. It will be here just as it always has with all the other thoughts and notions you ever had about who you are and what you are worth experiencing.
The power is in the same place its always been and always will be; your hands. The possibilities with this understanding are limitless...
Peace & love
changing your life,
law of attraction,
Monday, June 22, 2009
The Holy Grail
The Holy Grail
By Howard Falco ©2005
Elusive throughout the ages
Searched for over the centuries of time
Humanity has been unable to produce it
Not one has been able to find
This cup that holds such promise
Of powers beyond compare
The confused crave its magic
The fearful don’t even dare
Blind are all these seekers
Who believe it’s a possession to crave
The grail belongs to every person
Graced from birth to grave
Within it the source of wisdom and strength
Mistakenly sought over the ends of the earth
Those who come to its understanding
Will experience eternal rebirth
This treasure is with you always
Never lost so you cannot find
One day realizing it couldn’t be closer
For the Holy Grail is the power of your mind.
By Howard Falco ©2005
Elusive throughout the ages
Searched for over the centuries of time
Humanity has been unable to produce it
Not one has been able to find
This cup that holds such promise
Of powers beyond compare
The confused crave its magic
The fearful don’t even dare
Blind are all these seekers
Who believe it’s a possession to crave
The grail belongs to every person
Graced from birth to grave
Within it the source of wisdom and strength
Mistakenly sought over the ends of the earth
Those who come to its understanding
Will experience eternal rebirth
This treasure is with you always
Never lost so you cannot find
One day realizing it couldn’t be closer
For the Holy Grail is the power of your mind.
Friday, May 8, 2009
The Magic of Your Energy
We are all “it”. This “it” is what rocks, plants, animals and everything else in the universe is expressing in every moment - Energy. When you observe something, this energy comes off in both the display that you see with your eyes, ears, mouth, hands and nose and also in what you feel beyond the five senses about whatever you are sensing. This all leads up to how you react to what you are viewing.
Since energy is what you are, every moment of every day you are expressing this energy out to your world. This energy affects every person place and thing you come in contact with. Each other person, animal, plant, etc., learns over time to react to the energy of you. Just as you take on different personalities around different people in your life, other people, animals and even plants do the same around you. If you don’t think a plant reacts to how you treat it, then why does it change the direction it grows when you consistently trim only one side of it?
The powerful and magical conclusion of this idea is that who you express yourself as (Your Energy) is what puts the conditions together for what you experience from everything in your reality. Shaped, molded, and engineered by the deepest beliefs you have about who you are. That is why it is so vital to understand that nothing will change in your experience until you change your own idea about who you are! The minute you do this a new energy of thought will produce a new energy of choice and action will begin to create the foundation and conditions for a new reality to experience. Everything around you will respond in some way to align with this choice.
To begin this change, decide what you want to create and then ask yourself, “Who do I need to “BE” to begin the journey to create what I desire?”. The answer to this question and your will to adopt the new identity in every thought and action, will be the source of the energy that flows from you from this moment creating all that follows. How infinitely powerful you are….
Since energy is what you are, every moment of every day you are expressing this energy out to your world. This energy affects every person place and thing you come in contact with. Each other person, animal, plant, etc., learns over time to react to the energy of you. Just as you take on different personalities around different people in your life, other people, animals and even plants do the same around you. If you don’t think a plant reacts to how you treat it, then why does it change the direction it grows when you consistently trim only one side of it?
The powerful and magical conclusion of this idea is that who you express yourself as (Your Energy) is what puts the conditions together for what you experience from everything in your reality. Shaped, molded, and engineered by the deepest beliefs you have about who you are. That is why it is so vital to understand that nothing will change in your experience until you change your own idea about who you are! The minute you do this a new energy of thought will produce a new energy of choice and action will begin to create the foundation and conditions for a new reality to experience. Everything around you will respond in some way to align with this choice.
To begin this change, decide what you want to create and then ask yourself, “Who do I need to “BE” to begin the journey to create what I desire?”. The answer to this question and your will to adopt the new identity in every thought and action, will be the source of the energy that flows from you from this moment creating all that follows. How infinitely powerful you are….
changing your life,
life goals,
your power
Monday, April 6, 2009
The Message From Tragedy
A few weeks ago I posted a blog entitled “Why it all happens for You”. The underlying message being that all events have purpose and the more you can see the purpose, the more your life is experienced with a peace and a flow from this understanding.
I bring this up again now because in the last few days, front and center, this message became very clear at home.
My Wife’s Aunt, Bobbie King (her mother’s sister), was doing something she loved, filling in substitute teaching English at a civic center to immigrants looking to become U.S. citizens. As many of you may have heard on the news, a gunman came into the Binghamton N.Y. facility and killed 13 people. Bobbie King was one of them. We got the news Friday night and Sunday morning my wife was on a plane with her mother to attend the funeral.
Bobbie King was a mother of ten wonderful children and grandmother to seventeen grandchildren. A kind and loving human being that never uttered a bad word about anybody and always had something positive to say to all who knew her. All you have to do is see the warm and gentle nature of each of her ten children to know what kind of a woman she was.
In speaking to my wife today she said she stood in the receiving line at the funeral with her mother and Bobbie’s family for over three hours as hundreds of people passed by and paid their respects. She said each and every person had the most loving and kind things to say about Bobbie. Each person was touched in some way by her gentle nature and loving and accepting heart.
You can never truly know the ultimate destiny or path of another person during your lifetime. Even for the people who are closest to you. All you can control is how you handle the moment to moment expression of your creative energy out to them. Life is a sea of constant change. Everything you love and enjoy in your life is on loan from the infinite source from which it emanated from. It all has a finite life to it. Whether it passes or changes from what are seemingly normal circumstances or the transformation or change happens from an event that is viewed as chaos or unnatural, change happens nonetheless. Therefore, there is no better time to express your love to all of it then now.
So you can choose to see this as a senseless tragedy of a beautiful life cut short, or you can see this as a wonderful opportunity to wake up further to the finite beauty that is all around you every day. You can use this awareness to be present with your loved ones and strangers a little longer, be more compassionate and less judging, smile a little bigger, worry a little less, love a little deeper and freer, and simply enjoy more fully the magnificence and miracles in life that surround and that are for you each and every day.
So tonight at my son’s little league game I smiled a little longer at him before he went to bat and hugged him a little tighter afterword telling him how proud I was of him. When my daughter left for gymnastics practice I kissed her forehead a little longer and made sure I told her how much I love her. When we all got home I let our dog Karma lick my face a little longer. And as I laughed as she did it her tail wagged a little stronger and she proceeded to make sure she didn’t miss a spot on my face. And tonight I breathed in the night air outside a little deeper as I wrote these words, being overwhelmingly thankful for all of it.
There is a beautiful purpose in all things if you are willing to look deep enough into them to see it. This shocking and tragic event has brought to light the wonderful impact one woman has had on so many lives. It is also to offer to you just how much impact you have everyday on those whom you come into contact with. What will you do with the gift of life you have now? What will you offer to those whom you interact with each day of your life? What will you see in this message that you have brought yourself?
While many of the hundreds, or even thousands, came to mourn Bobbie King’s tragic passing, even more importantly, they came to honor what she did with her gift of life each and every day; offer the fullest of her simple and gentle love to everyone who crossed her path. Whether she knew them or not….
More can be read about her here –
With the fullest of love,
I bring this up again now because in the last few days, front and center, this message became very clear at home.
My Wife’s Aunt, Bobbie King (her mother’s sister), was doing something she loved, filling in substitute teaching English at a civic center to immigrants looking to become U.S. citizens. As many of you may have heard on the news, a gunman came into the Binghamton N.Y. facility and killed 13 people. Bobbie King was one of them. We got the news Friday night and Sunday morning my wife was on a plane with her mother to attend the funeral.
Bobbie King was a mother of ten wonderful children and grandmother to seventeen grandchildren. A kind and loving human being that never uttered a bad word about anybody and always had something positive to say to all who knew her. All you have to do is see the warm and gentle nature of each of her ten children to know what kind of a woman she was.
In speaking to my wife today she said she stood in the receiving line at the funeral with her mother and Bobbie’s family for over three hours as hundreds of people passed by and paid their respects. She said each and every person had the most loving and kind things to say about Bobbie. Each person was touched in some way by her gentle nature and loving and accepting heart.
You can never truly know the ultimate destiny or path of another person during your lifetime. Even for the people who are closest to you. All you can control is how you handle the moment to moment expression of your creative energy out to them. Life is a sea of constant change. Everything you love and enjoy in your life is on loan from the infinite source from which it emanated from. It all has a finite life to it. Whether it passes or changes from what are seemingly normal circumstances or the transformation or change happens from an event that is viewed as chaos or unnatural, change happens nonetheless. Therefore, there is no better time to express your love to all of it then now.
So you can choose to see this as a senseless tragedy of a beautiful life cut short, or you can see this as a wonderful opportunity to wake up further to the finite beauty that is all around you every day. You can use this awareness to be present with your loved ones and strangers a little longer, be more compassionate and less judging, smile a little bigger, worry a little less, love a little deeper and freer, and simply enjoy more fully the magnificence and miracles in life that surround and that are for you each and every day.
So tonight at my son’s little league game I smiled a little longer at him before he went to bat and hugged him a little tighter afterword telling him how proud I was of him. When my daughter left for gymnastics practice I kissed her forehead a little longer and made sure I told her how much I love her. When we all got home I let our dog Karma lick my face a little longer. And as I laughed as she did it her tail wagged a little stronger and she proceeded to make sure she didn’t miss a spot on my face. And tonight I breathed in the night air outside a little deeper as I wrote these words, being overwhelmingly thankful for all of it.
There is a beautiful purpose in all things if you are willing to look deep enough into them to see it. This shocking and tragic event has brought to light the wonderful impact one woman has had on so many lives. It is also to offer to you just how much impact you have everyday on those whom you come into contact with. What will you do with the gift of life you have now? What will you offer to those whom you interact with each day of your life? What will you see in this message that you have brought yourself?
While many of the hundreds, or even thousands, came to mourn Bobbie King’s tragic passing, even more importantly, they came to honor what she did with her gift of life each and every day; offer the fullest of her simple and gentle love to everyone who crossed her path. Whether she knew them or not….
More can be read about her here –
With the fullest of love,
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Why It all happens for You...
How many times in your life have you asked or wondered as it pertains to negative events or trying situations, “Why is this happening to me?” These are the seemingly random or unfortunate developments that suddenly disrupt your specific expectations in life. These situations that abruptly cause life to change in an undesired way are often resisted at first through anger or even denial. This resistance will go on until the overwhelming nature of the reality is too much to ignore, allowing the process of acceptance to begin to set in. Acceptance can lead to sadness or even a sense of despondency as the current undesired truth is realized. Rationalizations then quickly form in an attempt to make sense of it all. Often they are ones such as, “I am so unlucky” or “I never get a break” or “These things always happen to me”.
Gaining a greater understanding of the reason why all things happens to you can be the one of the most empowering and liberating realizations you can come to understand in your life.
In this elegant universe nothing is random. All events, people, places and things that you encounter have a specific meaning for YOU on your journey of life. The challenge or situation you sometimes find yourself in at any given moment is always related to what you have asked to ultimately experience in your world. You may not realize this at the time it occurs but yet its purpose will some day or some moment be revealed. You may have even heard the saying before, “Be careful what you wish for”.
The process of receiving this vital and life changing awareness can only come through the experience of life itself. Therefore, trying and challenging times with your finances, family, relationships, career and personal struggles all have a purpose within them. They each reveal the gap between what you desire to experience and the truth of where you are and what you yet need to learn along your personal creation process.
The main point is that the universe is always here to serve you. It can only respond to what you say you truly want when you emit a true earnest desire. The universe’s love for you is unconditional. You may not be initially happy with the truth of the path you need to take and the learning experiences that need to be worked through, but you can rest assured that it is all perfect for you and your desired, expanding and creative journey of life.
Each moment is elegantly scripted, developed and directed by the amazing You, including this one right here right now. The more you realize this, the more your resistance to certain things in your world turns to acceptance, your contempt to compassion, your judgment to understanding and your anger to love. When this newfound faith is embraced, you become graced with more of the infinite power over time to consciously create and experience life exactly as you desire. Before this, the process of time will simply go on....
Much Love,
Give me a fruitful error any time, full of seeds, bursting with its own corrections. ~Vilfredo Pareto
Gaining a greater understanding of the reason why all things happens to you can be the one of the most empowering and liberating realizations you can come to understand in your life.
In this elegant universe nothing is random. All events, people, places and things that you encounter have a specific meaning for YOU on your journey of life. The challenge or situation you sometimes find yourself in at any given moment is always related to what you have asked to ultimately experience in your world. You may not realize this at the time it occurs but yet its purpose will some day or some moment be revealed. You may have even heard the saying before, “Be careful what you wish for”.
The process of receiving this vital and life changing awareness can only come through the experience of life itself. Therefore, trying and challenging times with your finances, family, relationships, career and personal struggles all have a purpose within them. They each reveal the gap between what you desire to experience and the truth of where you are and what you yet need to learn along your personal creation process.
The main point is that the universe is always here to serve you. It can only respond to what you say you truly want when you emit a true earnest desire. The universe’s love for you is unconditional. You may not be initially happy with the truth of the path you need to take and the learning experiences that need to be worked through, but you can rest assured that it is all perfect for you and your desired, expanding and creative journey of life.
Each moment is elegantly scripted, developed and directed by the amazing You, including this one right here right now. The more you realize this, the more your resistance to certain things in your world turns to acceptance, your contempt to compassion, your judgment to understanding and your anger to love. When this newfound faith is embraced, you become graced with more of the infinite power over time to consciously create and experience life exactly as you desire. Before this, the process of time will simply go on....
Much Love,
Give me a fruitful error any time, full of seeds, bursting with its own corrections. ~Vilfredo Pareto
Monday, February 23, 2009
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Howard Falco
You’ve previously kept the window closed
Afraid to feel the feeling
Protected from the unknown
Addicted to the reeling.
Similar questions form each day
Yet you deny the answers exist
If that’s a fact that is the truth
Why is it you persist?
Something deep within your soul
Shouts that you’re a liar
Begs you to open up the lock
Revealing something higher.
Faith is the word that asks for meaning
Take a chance that might seem strange
Finally allowing your mind to feel them
The liberating winds of change.
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Sunday, January 4, 2009
The Real Key to Life's Wishing Well
"Ask and it shall be given you" or "Knock, and it shall be opened unto you" is the way it has been described in biblical text. "Ask, believe, recieve." is the more modern mantra for the hope of quick manifestation results. But what is the real essence behind life's law of attraction and creation?
Like many things in life, there are no shortcuts to this understanding. As much as it would be nice to just think positively and have things appear, there is a deeper required attention that needs to be paid to how the experience of life works. There is no better place to start this understanding than from the example of your own life. When you look around the room or place you are at right now, ask yourself, "How did you get to this exact place in your life right now with all of your current circumstances?"
What you will ultimately realize is that your current situation has come together out of the thousands of choices you have made. Choices that were based on what you thought you needed to do to fulfill your intent in each particular previous moment. You have created it all which means you will continue to create it all. The magic of manifesting is to become more aware in each moment of WHAT you are creating and HOW you are creating it. Just as every seed that has grown into something has been cultivated in some way with a certain amount of soil, water and sunlight to produce a certain result, your wishes and desires, which are your seeds, will need to be cultivated in a certain way for particular desired result as well.
The universe is not a one way hand out street. You have to work hand in hand with the universe in the process of manifestation. You have to demonstrate the faith and belief in who you are through the actions you take to make your wishes real. By cultivating your desires with a strong belief that it will happen, an honesty about where you are in the process of achieving it, and a persistent action towards your ultimate goal, you become your own Genie.
Yes you need to ask, yes you need to believe, but faith demonstrated through your actions is the most powerful energy there is, and it is your true key to the wishing well of your life.
Like many things in life, there are no shortcuts to this understanding. As much as it would be nice to just think positively and have things appear, there is a deeper required attention that needs to be paid to how the experience of life works. There is no better place to start this understanding than from the example of your own life. When you look around the room or place you are at right now, ask yourself, "How did you get to this exact place in your life right now with all of your current circumstances?"
What you will ultimately realize is that your current situation has come together out of the thousands of choices you have made. Choices that were based on what you thought you needed to do to fulfill your intent in each particular previous moment. You have created it all which means you will continue to create it all. The magic of manifesting is to become more aware in each moment of WHAT you are creating and HOW you are creating it. Just as every seed that has grown into something has been cultivated in some way with a certain amount of soil, water and sunlight to produce a certain result, your wishes and desires, which are your seeds, will need to be cultivated in a certain way for particular desired result as well.
The universe is not a one way hand out street. You have to work hand in hand with the universe in the process of manifestation. You have to demonstrate the faith and belief in who you are through the actions you take to make your wishes real. By cultivating your desires with a strong belief that it will happen, an honesty about where you are in the process of achieving it, and a persistent action towards your ultimate goal, you become your own Genie.
Yes you need to ask, yes you need to believe, but faith demonstrated through your actions is the most powerful energy there is, and it is your true key to the wishing well of your life.
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