How many times in your life have you asked or wondered as it pertains to negative events or trying situations, “Why is this happening to me?” These are the seemingly random or unfortunate developments that suddenly disrupt your specific expectations in life. These situations that abruptly cause life to change in an undesired way are often resisted at first through anger or even denial. This resistance will go on until the overwhelming nature of the reality is too much to ignore, allowing the process of acceptance to begin to set in. Acceptance can lead to sadness or even a sense of despondency as the current undesired truth is realized. Rationalizations then quickly form in an attempt to make sense of it all. Often they are ones such as, “I am so unlucky” or “I never get a break” or “These things always happen to me”.
Gaining a greater understanding of the reason why all things happens to you can be the one of the most empowering and liberating realizations you can come to understand in your life.
In this elegant universe nothing is random. All events, people, places and things that you encounter have a specific meaning for YOU on your journey of life. The challenge or situation you sometimes find yourself in at any given moment is always related to what you have asked to ultimately experience in your world. You may not realize this at the time it occurs but yet its purpose will some day or some moment be revealed. You may have even heard the saying before, “Be careful what you wish for”.
The process of receiving this vital and life changing awareness can only come through the experience of life itself. Therefore, trying and challenging times with your finances, family, relationships, career and personal struggles all have a purpose within them. They each reveal the gap between what you desire to experience and the truth of where you are and what you yet need to learn along your personal creation process.
The main point is that the universe is always here to serve you. It can only respond to what you say you truly want when you emit a true earnest desire. The universe’s love for you is unconditional. You may not be initially happy with the truth of the path you need to take and the learning experiences that need to be worked through, but you can rest assured that it is all perfect for you and your desired, expanding and creative journey of life.
Each moment is elegantly scripted, developed and directed by the amazing You, including this one right here right now. The more you realize this, the more your resistance to certain things in your world turns to acceptance, your contempt to compassion, your judgment to understanding and your anger to love. When this newfound faith is embraced, you become graced with more of the infinite power over time to consciously create and experience life exactly as you desire. Before this, the process of time will simply go on....
Much Love,
Give me a fruitful error any time, full of seeds, bursting with its own corrections. ~Vilfredo Pareto
Sunday, March 15, 2009
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