The following are questions about life submitted during a second webinar I held in December titled "Master Your Reality".
QUESTION: What should I do about following my bliss when I feel like I should remain in my current work where people who I consider dear friends are depending on me?
RESPONSE: This is the current precipice of transformation for you. Will you submit to the rationalization that others need you and cant survive without you as an excuse for not to follow your heart that says there is more to life and love for you to experience. Or, will you open to and begin the process creating you reality in line with your true feelings.
The key thing to be aware of here is how much personal need begins to surface that has kept you away from bliss, the moment you begin down this path or even the thought of it. The question is, “Are you willing to have the faith that you will survive without being needed by them?” This is the next choice point on the path to true liberation and freedom for you.
Drop the need to be needed, find you own peace and grace and you'll be needed all the days of your life....
QUESTION: What about finding balance between light and dark...good and bad...yin and yang? I understand and want to remain positive yet the other side exists so how do I allow the dark to exist and yet stay positive?
RESPONSE: Yin and yang is a fundamental principal of duality, yet the experience of joy and bliss that is being offered through all of this information, is transcendent of a karmic backside and devoid of any illusions that end up being erased by a negative experience (yin/yang).
Whatever exists in your life exists as long as you keep your belief, focus and attention and thoughts on it. Any experience you desire of mind is possible for you, therefore, it is just as possible that you can enjoy much joy, peace and happiness each day and much less negativity.
The false idea is that something bad will happen to equal out the joy. This is the core of the issue. Life is what you make of it based on how you determine the circumstances you encounter each day. All of life can be joy when you begin to see this possibility and what is being offered to you through each happening of your life.
You stay positive in the face of perceived darkness with a faith and acceptance that understands that all things have a purpose for you on this journey. You do it with a knowing that all challenges are potential acceleration points towards more peace, understanding and bliss. You stay positive knowing that nothing is against you throughout your life but always for you.
QUESTION: My husband is laid off of work, since then he has spent an enormous amt. of time on the computer (being nonproductive). I am expecting him to be productive. I can't help but allow his flow of energy affect my energy. I am feeling brought down by what seems to be the "lack of energy" he brings into the house. How do I avoid and be less judgmental towards him and embrace the fact that he is at home, he is alive, he is helping out. I can't seem to shake the idea that he has a duty to go out and earn or be productive. How can I handle this situation, help myself or help him?
RESPONSE: The conflict you feel comes from your expectations of him as it conflicts with the reality you experience from him.
You say <<”I can't seem to shake the idea that he has a duty to go out and earn or be productive.”>> The truth is you CAN shake the idea but you just haven’t chosen to do so yet. There is no right or wrong about this, just know that dropping the expectation is a possibility and a way to liberate your state of mind.
One way to reconcile the situation is to sit down and have a sincere heart to heart talk about what you are feeling, what he is feeling, and see if he is willing to make some changes in the effort of reconnecting with you. If this is done in a sincere nonjudgmental way you will see his true level of respect for you and your feelings which will allow you to make focused and confident decisions moving forward. If he feels attacked he will resist all aspects of your talk. What he is going through in his mind may be things that you have even considered yet (just like he hasn't considered many of yours), so an open dialogue can be a powerful way to start change.
The real optimal path to the change you seek is to find your happiness and positivity even in the midst of the current situation. Can you see that this may be part of the reason this is happening for you? When you find your own bliss and release yourself from the effect, expectation or need of others to be anyone or anyway other than how they are being, you shine a powerful loving energy that radiates out and positively affects and uplifts all of those around you. You begin to transform your world because when you have transformed yourself. This is the true power and potential that is in you.
Have faith that there is a purpose for what is happening, be firm and steadfast in the life and type of energy you want to experience each day, and know that it is the acceptance not resistance of others that is the path to true change for you, your life and the decisions you will make from this moment forward.
QUESTION: What's something I can do to become more aware of the truth of who I am right now?
RESPONSE: You just did it. Questioning with the true desire to know more is a large part of the process. The next step is to pay close attention to what enters you reality. It will reveal how truly powerful you are as a creator of your experience of life and will contain an answer for you to evaluate.
Also, look at your life and the current circumstances of your life and the relationships you have built or find yourself in. This will tell you much about who you have been. Who you are right now will be determined by how you interpret and respond to these circumstances from this moment forward.
Much Love,