Sunday, January 4, 2009

The Real Key to Life's Wishing Well

"Ask and it shall be given you" or "Knock, and it shall be opened unto you" is the way it has been described in biblical text. "Ask, believe, recieve." is the more modern mantra for the hope of quick manifestation results. But what is the real essence behind life's law of attraction and creation?

Like many things in life, there are no shortcuts to this understanding. As much as it would be nice to just think positively and have things appear, there is a deeper required attention that needs to be paid to how the experience of life works. There is no better place to start this understanding than from the example of your own life. When you look around the room or place you are at right now, ask yourself, "How did you get to this exact place in your life right now with all of your current circumstances?"

What you will ultimately realize is that your current situation has come together out of the thousands of choices you have made. Choices that were based on what you thought you needed to do to fulfill your intent in each particular previous moment. You have created it all which means you will continue to create it all. The magic of manifesting is to become more aware in each moment of WHAT you are creating and HOW you are creating it. Just as every seed that has grown into something has been cultivated in some way with a certain amount of soil, water and sunlight to produce a certain result, your wishes and desires, which are your seeds, will need to be cultivated in a certain way for particular desired result as well.

The universe is not a one way hand out street. You have to work hand in hand with the universe in the process of manifestation. You have to demonstrate the faith and belief in who you are through the actions you take to make your wishes real. By cultivating your desires with a strong belief that it will happen, an honesty about where you are in the process of achieving it, and a persistent action towards your ultimate goal, you become your own Genie.

Yes you need to ask, yes you need to believe, but faith demonstrated through your actions is the most powerful energy there is, and it is your true key to the wishing well of your life.


Jeni Gray said...

Great wisdom for the new year, Howard. Thank you as always. said...

I agree. When we fully own our lives we are then in the present. And in that presence we are not attached and entangled in what we have done or will do, we are clear. Then we are doing what we intend from a knowing, and because we are in a place of knowing what we are doing is inspired.

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